Saturday, November 14, 2009

World Diabetes Day

So today is World Diabetes Day, Nov. 14th....
This is a disease I did NOT cause, could NOT prevent, but will NOT let win.

My battle with type 1 diabetes has been short lived so far. But since there is no cure, it will be a life long one. Unless a cure comes along (praying it will). There are clinic trials going on right now that will hopefully lead to a cure down the road. But I have heard there has been word of a cure for way too long with no results.

I look back on the last year and four months and I can't help but see what this disease has already taken from my life. The first thing it took from me was the ability to tell my grandpa goodbye before he went to meet his Savior. Ryan and I had just moved out to California about 3 weeks before grandpa started going down hill quickly (with recurring cancer). I booked a flight back home to be with him. Well 2 days before I was supposed to be on that plane, I ended up in the ER in California, continued by a 3 night stay in the ICU. That is when I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I was not able to fly home that week. I got out of the hospital on Friday and grandpa passed away on Saturday:( I was so angry that I was not able to be there! It really broke my heart. I had so much to say to him that he never got to hear. I know God is also in control and was in control of that situation. I know there had to be a reason I was not able to be on that flight that day, but with my worldly eyes, I just can't see it...

Because of diabetes I can no longer sleep through the night without worrying about dropping low and going into a coma. I would get up in the middle of the night every night to test my blood sugar and make sure I was in range. Now that I have the pump, I don't always have to test in the middle of the night. But it is something that is always a concern.

I can no longer just pick something up, eat it, and go on with my day. There is way more to it than that now! I must plan what I'm going to eat, test my blood sugar, check and make sure I count every last carb, pre-bolus for the meal, eat (about 15 minutes later), and check my blood sugar for the next 4 hours to make sure I'm in range.'s exhausting just to write about it!

I can also no longer just go on a long walk with Ry or jump on the elliptical without having to eat something first, decrease my basal rates, and check my blood sugar several times during the activity. And if I go low, guess what.....................I have to eat something to bring my blood sugar back up. Defeating my whole purpose of exercise.

I feel like I'm always revolving around cycles of 3 or 30. I have to change my insulin pump every 3 days. I have to be at Walgreen's to get my refills of test strips and insulin every 30 days. Always make sure I have extras of everything with me when I go anywhere! These are the things that keep me alive! Before insulin was invented in 1921 a type 1 diabetic was given 1 year to live. Wow, I'm so thankful for how far the technology has come!

I have be prepared for complications in the future. I try very hard to keep my numbers between 70-140 to avoid any type of complication. I have found that sometimes no matter how good your numbers or A1C's are the complications still come. Some say it is genetics that help, others say vitamins, and other talk about the possibility of c-peptide playing a role. I guess it's just frustrating knowing that no matter how good my control's still outta my control. (Well I guess that is life, right?!)

This disease has given me one very important lesson though! Before I was diagnosed, the only thing I really knew about type 1 diabetes was that the people who had it had to give themselves shots. Well I'm afraid of needles, hate getting shots, and cry when I get my blood drawn. I literally said (before ever getting the disease), "I would rather die then have to give myself shot everyday." And at first I wish I would have died! To say the least, it was not an easy transition for me! But I'm alive and well! I have done it and survived. Something I never thought I could do, I did. And I have managed quite well, thank you:) God handed me something I thought I was not strong enough for. Man was I wrong! I am strong enough. I am still growing and learning that with God's help all things are possible. Thank you Jesus:)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

I'm Back

Ok, so I realize it's been over 5 months since my last post! Already not very good at this. But I'm gonna get better......promise:)

So we were able to spend the summer at home with friends and family! We are thankful for that. But the length of time we were home was longer than we anticipated! We were searching for a new assignment pretty hard for almost 2 months before we landed this Lexington, KY job. Yup, we are now residing in KY at least until the beginning of January.

While we were home we went on a bike trip to Michigan,

traveled to Myrtle Beach for our annual vaca with Ry's family,

found out my best friend Linds is gonna have a baby without me (but so excited),

BOUGHT ARE FIRST HOUSE, (pictures will be coming soon!)

witnessed two of my great friends enter marriage,

played countless hours of tripoley at Grandma's house with her and Ry,

and spent many Friday nights with Mom, Phil, Kent, and Kelli donating to the Fort Wayne Legion:P, and so much more. So many memories that I am so thankful for!

I am also so grateful for our new assignment. We are only 4 1/2 hours away from home this time(instead of in the 30's like Cali). That means we get to be home for the Holidays:) Something that is so important to us! We are actually coming home tonight and staying until Monday morning. In January I would not mind going somewhere farther away again (and warmer), but for now this is the best place we could be!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Denver, CO

Well Ry got a short term assignment at the VA Hospital in Denver, CO. So we left home on Tuesday and drove 18 hrs straight through to Denver. It was a long day, but it went better than I thought it would! We are staying in an extended stay for the time we are here. I'm not gonna is pretty small. It's not bad, but I already feel cramped after spending 2 days by myself in here!!! From what I have seem already they have so much to do here though. There is park only a few blocks away that has a walking trail I might check out today. They have tons of parks, lakes, hiking and walking trails and soooo much more. We only have a short time here, but I can't wait to get out and do as much as we can. So far it seems like a pretty busy city! Ry is working in the IR and so far so good.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Job Searching

Ok, so we still don't have a job yet. We only have a week and a half left here. They still want Ryan to stay here and work another 13 weeks, but we still want 12 hour shifts. If it comes down to this job or no job.......we might change our mind though. We are still considering come home for awhile, but we never applied for the LA job and Hawaii has no Tele needs right now. We have applied at a hospital is Stockton, CA for an 8 week contract. Have not heard anything back yet. But this is pretty much all we have right now. This is the time I want to start freaking out. Honestly, I know I cannot change anything by worrying.'s time to have a little faith. I know no matter what happens, God is in control. We will adjust no matter where we go. Wherever God wants us to definitely where we want to be.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


So, I thought I would give this a try! I have extra time on my hands with not working at the moment, and a lot of stuff in my head with being away from home and struggling with tight control over my Diabetes!

Today is Easter. I'm so thankful for my Jesus and his sacrifice on the cross. Knowing that He is alive today gives so much hope for the future. I wish Ryan and I could celebrate this day back home with family and friends. Missing out on Holidays is one of the toughest things about being away! Don't get me wrong, I love traveling. I would not change it for anything, but it does get lonely sometimes.

Ryan and I are looking for our next assignment right now. He only has 3 more weeks left at the hospital in Oakland. We have really enjoyed our time here, but we are both ready for him to be back to work 12 hr shifts instead of 8's. With him working 5 days a week, we don't have as much time to travel the area and just be together. He got offered a 3 month extension at this hospital, but we did not take it. Too bad there are not many openings out there. We are really having a hard time finding anything for our next assignment. We are looking into going home and having Ry work per diem for a few months, but even that has slowed down. So, not sure if he would get enough work. West L.A. and Hawaii could possibly be other choices, but that is all we have. We pretty much need to make a decision by the end of next week!!!! So, I'll keep you posted on what happens.

Now I'm just waiting for Ryan to get off work so we can go make our own Easter baskets:)