Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Biggest Loser Doctor gets a big thumbs down!

So I love the Biggest Loser, and always have! But I'm getting a little tired of some of the misleading information they are sharing with the public. When the doctor was talking to each contestant about the medical conditions they have and are at risk for...........of course diabetes came up. First of all the doctor did not specify that he was talking about Type 2 diabetes (he just says there is only one type). And then he proceeds to say. . . . "Diabetes is curable." REALLY?! That is the information you give to the whole world watching. Like the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes isn't confusing enough to the general public :/

FYI: Type 2 diabetes is the "diabetes" the doctor was talking about. Type 2 diabetes is curable for some people with diet and exercise. But unfortunately the doctor did not specify this as Type 2. Type 1 diabetes is NOT curable! Although I wish it was :)